Frank Taylor

Tulane University

Frank Taylor

Tulane University

Poydras Offices

Spring 2022

Instructor: Matt Decotis

        This proposal for Poydras Offices is shaped by its immediate surroundings and providing an out of the ordinary experience to both the pedestrian and office user. Central to the scheme is a winding public plaza that slices through two box-like volumes. These volumes are then connected by a light, transparent, snaking form that transitions from a lengthy cantilever to a sloping bridge to a subtractive element. What looks like a dynamic formal move on the exterior acts as a moment of celebration on the inside; users are treated with bright, open spaces with outward views, a large experiential stair, and an event space that shows off massive structural trusses. The project can be imagined as arms that hold the office tightly together, a moment of relief amidst what can be a stressful day at work.

concept model

plaza circulation

site plan

ground floor plan

second floor plan

third floor plan

fourth floor plan

fifth floor plan

section perspective

wall section axon

green roof section detail

wall section axon



Rampart Street Elevation

Poydras Street Elevation

O’Keefe Street Elevation